The University of Wisconsin-Madison Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Center (SCRMC) is proud to host an annual Fall Conference and Job Fair on September 30, 2022. This event provides students, trainees, and post-docs with an opportunity to network, present, and learn from top biomedical and biotechnology researchers. The conference, which is organized by the SCRMC trainees, features two keynote speakers, a blitz talk competition, a poster session, reception, and refreshments throughout the day. We invite you to join us in supporting this educational, networking, and recruitment experience by becoming a conference sponsor or job fair exhibitor.

Stem Cells in Biology, Disease, and Therapeutics Fall Conference Sponsorship

The full schedule is available at the bottom of this message. Learn more and register to become a sponsor here.

Sponsorship supports conference awards, talks, and the Cool Image contest. We ask that all sponsorships are submitted by 11:59 p.m. CT on September 16, 2022.

Level 1 Sponsor:

This level will support the lunch and refreshments at the conference. Sponsors who support this level will be entitled to a table, their logo on the conference program and website, and an advertisement slide displayed during the conference.

• Lunch and refreshments: $2,000

Level 2 Sponsor:

Sponsors who support one of the awards at the levels listed below will be entitled to a table, their logo on the conference program and website, and verbal promotion during the event opening and closing remarks.

  • Best Blitz Talk: $1,000
  • Best Cool Image: $1,000
  • Top poster award: $1,000

Level 3 Sponsor:

Sponsors who support one of the awards at the levels listed below will have their logo on the conference program and website, and verbal promotion during the event opening and closing remarks.

  • Runner-up Blitz Talk: $500
  • Runner-up Cool Image: $500
  • Runner-up poster award: $500 8457 Wisconsin Institute for Medical Research ⧫ 1111 Highland Avenue ⧫ Madison, Wisconsin 53705 [email protected] ⧫ 608.263.2982 ⧫

Job Fair Exhibitor

Learn more and register to become a Job Fair exhibitor here.

Participation as an exhibitor offers organizations a chance to recruit during the conference as well as post-conference via a job site hosted by the SCRMC. We ask that all sponsorships are submitted by 11:59 p.m. CT on September 16, 2022.

• Platinum ($5,000):
o Four complimentary registrations
o Provision of two tables at Fair, (i.e., an area large enough for a standard 8′ x 10′ trade show booth). o Logo featured in event promotion materials and during Fall Conference.
o Advertisement slide displayed during the conference.
o Unlimited access to SCRMC Job Board during September 2022-2023 calendar year with weekly advertisement at Campus Stem Cell Seminar Lab Series during academic year, and monthly social media push (SCRMC trainee, staff, and faculty email list, LinkedIn Alumni page, and Facebook.

• Gold ($2,500):
o Two complimentary registrations and provision of two tables at Fair (i.e., and area large enough for a

standard 8′ x 10′ trade show booth).
o Logo featured in event promotion materials and during Fall Conference.
o Advertisement slide displayed during the conference.
o SCRMC Job board access for up to six postings during the September 2022-2023 calendar year and monthly

announcement to SCRMC trainee, staff, and faculty email list.

• Silver ($1,000):
o One complimentary registration and provision of one table at Fair. o Logo featured in event promotions and during Fall Conference.

We thank you for your consideration and encourage you to reach out to Bekah McBride at [email protected] or 608-219-3963 if you have any additional questions or concerns.

Thank you,
The SCRMC Fall Conference and Job Fair Planning Committee

Martha L. Echevarría-Andino, SCRMC Trainee

Keerthana Shankar, SCRMC Trainee

Apoorva Ramamurthy, SCRMC

Trainee Randolph Ashton, SCRMC Associate Director

Bekah McBride, SCRMC Communications

Philip Keegan, Forward BIO Institute

Please note that this agenda is subject to change.

8457 Wisconsin Institute for Medical Research ⧫ 1111 Highland Avenue ⧫ Madison, Wisconsin 53705 [email protected] ⧫ 608.263.2982 ⧫